"Just me, my ukulele, and a mix of guest musicians covering a wide range of songs we love." - Mikey

30 yeaRs of DookiE!

Mikey and His Uke Merch!

The official Mikey and his Uke store is NOW OPEN!
Help support the ongoing awesomeness that is Mikey and his Uke!
Mikey and his Uke MERCH

mikey and his uke
"Quarantine series"

SUBSCRIBE to Mikey and his Uke on YouTube and click the notifications bell to be among the first to be notified when new videos drop!
Watch all 100 videos in the original Mikey and his Uke "Quarantine" series. Starting in March of 2020, Mikey posted one video per day for 100 days straight! Watch the evolution of Mikey and his Uke unfold right in front of your eyes.

support Mikey and his Uke

"When the 2020 pandemic brought live music to a halt, I posted a couple of silly little ukulele videos on Facebook just to keep busy. At the time, I had no plan beyond encouraging friends to stay safe and positive during lockdown. The response was so unexpectedly warm and supportive, I kept going. Eventually, the project morphed into a series of 100 daily videos (the Quarantunes Edition) with over 125 different performers and contributors.
The videos are now collaborations of musicians from across North America and elsewhere, covering a wide range of songs we love. Needless to say, it’s been a thrill to see this project grow and evolve." - Mikey

If you feel like supporting the team behind Mikey and His Uke please visit the Patreon page and consider supporting the musicians, audio engineers and video editors behind the Mikey and His Uke series.